We require a $50.00 refundable deposit to visit Fort Blue Kennels. When you arrive we will refund you a 50 dollar bill – cash.
I do not run a petting zoo out of my family’s home.
We do not Invite total strangers to our home without having some sort of a electronic transaction that identifies who you are..
There is alot of preparation prior to your visit. Too many times I’m waiting around for people who never show up.. we require a $50.00 deposit to keep people from standing us up.. you want your $50.00 back you will show up when you say you will. Otherwise your deposit is considered a wasting my time fee..
For step one of the customer screening process please fill out the form below. Thank you, and we look forward to providing you with a happy, healthy, furry bundle of joy.
We do offer deposit refunds if we are unable to provide your pup. Otherwise, deposits are transferable to another litter